Téléchargement gratuit de Ticket to Earth pour Android APK
Une fusion unique de tactique tour par tour, puzzle-jong et scénarisées RPG.
La description
A distant planet. A dying colony. A deadly conspiracy. Fight a corrupt system in Ticket to Earth, the revolutionary tactical puzzle RPG!
The puzzle grid is your battlefield as you position your team, collect matching tiles, and power up devastating special abilities. You’ve never played anything like this!
Ticket to Earth seamlessly blends turn-based tactics, thought-provoking puzzles, and engaging RPG storytelling into one awesome, multi-award winning experience.
BATTLEFIELD TACTICS - Fast and furious combat. Control your party in classic grid-based tactical action to accomplish a huge range of mission objectives.
TILE-MATCHING PUZZLE - New possibilities every time you play. Adapt your strategies to find new paths across the puzzle grid. Match tiles to build attack energy and unleash explosive combat powers!
STORY-DRIVEN RPG - Manage and customize your team’s abilities and gear as you explore a vivid sci-fi world full of unique characters!
PREMIUM EXPERIENCE - No in-app purchases. This complete experience unfolds across more than 120 unique missions providing many hours of deep RPG gameplay.
- "Ticket To Earth is an evolutionary leap forward in the puzzle/RPG hybrid genre" – Kotaku
- "...one of the first truly essential mobile games of the year" – 9/10 Pocket Gamer
- "Ticket To Earth tricked me into enjoying a puzzle game" – Rock, Paper, Shotgun
- "A superbly original and exceptionally presented colour matching tactical game" – 5/5 Pocket Tactics
For more information about the game, visit www.ticket-to-earth.com
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