Android için Ücretsiz Galaxy Genome APK İndir
Karanlık galaksinin en ünlü pilotu olun
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APK İNDİR (11.0.5)
Yükleme için güvenli olduğu doğrulandı
Humanity is facing the threat of being totally destroyed. What hides behind the attack remains unknown. May it be aliens? Or political elites struggling for power? Or even an uprising involving AI… Still, the main question is: who will be able to solve the case?
At the beginning of the game you are a pilot of a small ship. Financial struggle forces you to start transporting contraband. Certainly, it will lead to you being in trouble with the law someday. But at some point in your life you are forced to make a deal with the authorities of the system. And that is when your dangerous space adventure begins.
In addition to the main storyline, there are many side missions the player can be engaged in.
Choose your own path: do you want to become the richest merchant or the most famous pirate who holds in awe all inhabited systems of the universe? Or maybe you crave for space exploration and discovering new worlds? Now it's up to you to decide.
* Open world with over 2 billion star systems
* Dozens of modules for modifying spaceships
* Exciting plot
* Robbery of merchant ships and hunting for pirates
* Fair trade and transportation of prohibited goods
* Extraction of resources from asteroid belts
* Collection of research data from stellar systems
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